The PPMS VersaLab is Quantum Design’s first portable Physical Property Measurement System. It provides most of the capabilities of the PPMS in a very compact size, and without the need for any liquid cryogens. The system uses a small, two-stage cryocooler for both the superconducting magnet and the temperature control system, providing PPMS measurement versatility with minimal infrastructure requirements.
Measurement Options :
1. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) *active*
a. VSM-MH (room temperature, magnetic field up to 3 Tesla, (M-H))
b. variation of temperature 400 to 50 K (M-T) must confirm
2. Resistivity (non active)
3. Heat Capacity (non active)
4. ACMS II (non active)
Test requirements:
- powder with a mass of at least 20 mg
- membran or fiber
- solid / film with maximum d=4 mm, t=1 mm